Services Offered

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Operation R.O.S.E.

Operation R.O.S.E. (Rebuilding Offenders Spiritually & Economically) provides comprehensive support to gangsters and ex-offenders, including employment assistance, housing, education, family reunification, healthcare, and spiritual guidance. We partners with various organizations to reduce recidivism and foster successful reintegration.


The Inner City Fatherhood Project

Addresses the issue of fatherlessness that often leads to sexual abuse and sex trafficking by fostering positive relationships between fathers and their children. We offer mentorship, after-school programs, and creative opportunities for teens and young adults to develop leadership and life skills.

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The Urban Suburban Connection

Build bridges between urban and suburban communities, connecting churches, organizations, and individuals to share resources and provide comprehensive services to those in need.

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Greater-Works Vocational Discipleship

This program provides not just job placement but also spiritual discipleship and character development to help participants secure and maintain employment. We have successfully assisted 200 individuals in finding jobs in various sectors.

We invite you to partner with us in this critical mission. Your support will enable us to expand our programs, reach more individuals, and make a lasting impact on the lives of those we serve. Together we can rebuild our city, one life at a time!